Yoga and Total Health — January 2018

(Ann) #1

(^18) YOGA AND TOTAL HEALTH • January 2018
niversal Existence


Dilip Tralshawala

Mahabharata depicts the social world with Ist multiple of 9 x 2 = 18 constituting

18 Parvas / Sections of the Epic

18 Days of War

18 Divisions of Army (7 of Pandavas and 11 of Kauravas)

18 Adhyayas / Chapters of Srimad Bhagavad Gita

A. Essence of Mahabharata
1) Each human mind is like a battlefield (Kurukshetra) of each individual life.
2) Depending on inherited and inculcated tendencies-Vasanas-good and evil exist
in each human mind like Pandavas and Kauravas (cousins)
3) Everyday, moment to moment life offers both options to each individual - to
nurture good or evil with a clear message that opting for good will make life more
difficult, more challenging.

B. Essence of Srimad Bhagvad Gita
1) Like each of infinite cells constituting the body, each of infinite individual souls
(Atman) constitute Universal soul (Brahman).
2) Each individual soul associated with a perishable body, with life span from birth
to death, keeps accumulating Vasanas in the Chitta which transmigrates from one
body to another and undergoes life experiences in accordance with Law of Karma

C. Take Home Message
Instead of Vasanas managing us, let us learn to manage Vasanas by regular practice
of Ishvara Pranidhan so as to expiate Vasanas and establish union with Universal
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