
(ff) #1

fast fixes

‘Hot yoga. It builds
strength, removes
toxins and relaxes
you. After an hour
I feel fabulous!’
Jana Kolze

‘I do some at-
home exercise,
such as planking,
or I take the dog
out for a walk.’
Clover Vaira

‘I go for a run. I
run 5km 3 days
a week. I’m 50
next year and feel
fitter than ever’
Sammi Robinson

‘I go for a walk if
it’s nice or bake
banana and apple
power bars if it’s
not.’ Naomi

THE onE THInG... I do if I have an hour to spare

aPP free on ioS
and android
Powered by
mindfulness so
you can gain more
control over your
sleep life, this
app has relaxing
meditation tracks to
help you drop off at night.

auriTech SleeP
Drown out
background noise,
such as snoring
(though you’ll still hear
an alarm or your child)
for a better night’s sleep.

cliPPer Snore
& Peace Tea £2,
This soothing
bedtime tea is a
blend of calming
camomile, lemon
balm and lavender
to help you wind
down before bed
and aid restful sleep.

lumie bodyclock
STarTer 30
Be woken each
morning with
natural light for a
refreshing start to
your day and enjoy
a healthy night’s sleep.

eaT breakfasT

The benefiT ‘Breakfast can set up
your good mood, energy and coping
capacity for the day,’ says nutritional
therapist Charlotte Watts, author of
the De-stress effect (£12.99, Hay House).
‘Eat breakfast mindfully, savouring it.’
how To do iT ‘Bircher muesli will fend
off mid-morning hunger,’ says Charlotte.
Soak oats in yogurt and apple juice, add

nuts and seeds, and store in the fridge
overnight. Add some fruit such as
blueberries. If you’re a sugary breakfast
junkie, a cooked breakfast will ease the
cravings. Combine protein such as eggs
or smoked salmon with veg such as
spinach, avocado or grilled mushrooms.

learn To mediTaTe
The benefiT Meditation clears your
head and calms the mind, so you’re ready
for the day ahead. A 2016 US study also
found that it creates brain changes that
improve resilience to stress and another
found that it improves efficiency at work.
how To do iT The easiest way is to
focus on your breath or download and use
a meditation app such as Headspace. Sit in
a quiet space and either close your eyes or
gaze in front of you. Listen to your breath.
When thoughts crowd in, acknowledge
them and bring yourself gently back to
your breath. ‘Five to 10 minutes is enough
to gain the benefit,’ says Louise

wake Up

To exercise
The benefiT ‘Exercise wakes you
up physically and mentally, setting
you up to achieve whatever else you want
to,’ says top personal trainer Michael Garry
( ‘Morning is also
the optimum time to do it – by the
evening, your get-up-and-go has usually
got up and gone!’
how To do iT ‘The key is to get up at the
same time seven days a week and move
your body somehow,’ says Michael. ‘On
Mondays, it could be stretching or a short
walk. Other days could be a run or swim.
Try to include strength training using your
own body weight (such as squats) on at
least three days. This will rev up your
metabolism, protect your joints and give
your body definition.’
Yoga is also an energising way to start
the day and the best bit is you can do it
in your PJs! Try an app such as Yogaia
(, which offers online classes.

your sleep

better toolkit....

Free download pdf