
(ff) #1

‘I can’t stop talking’

When it comes to gruelling sessions
with Pete, who Rochelle has been
friends with for a number of years, the
star does everything in her power to
distract her trainer so she gets away
with doing less. ‘I’m like a proper child
trying to stay up later at bedtime,’
admits Rochelle, who attempts to
delay sessions with tricks such as
taking longer than needed to unravel
resistance bands.
But ever-professional Pete won’t
tolerate the former-Saturdays
singer’s antics and has even made
her sign an agreement so she
doesn’t spend the sessions chatting
away to distract him. ‘He made me
sign a contract, a little fake contract,
because I just can’t stop talking,’
jokes Rochelle. ‘And now we say ‘Hi’
and have the odd moan about the
weights, but he looks at me like a
school teacher if I talk too much’.

‘He gives me the

push I need’

It’s this kind of discipline that makes
Rochelle stick with her sessions.
Unlike other trainers, Pete (who jokes
with us on the shoot to call him ‘The
Boss Man’) doesn’t let his clients cancel
if they are feeling a bit off, which is
perfect for the regular Lorraine host.
‘He gives me the push I need,’ says
Rochelle, who tells us that Pete
wouldn’t let her cancel even with
a broken toe; he just tailored the
session around her injury.
With Pete coming to her house,
it means Rochelle is not always alone
in her sessions. Occasionally, her
mum will come along, but more often
she’s joined by her husband of five
years, former JLS star, Marvin, 32.
But working out with her other half
isn’t always ideal. ‘We typically don’t
really argue a lot, but we end up
rowing, as he’ll try and tell me if I’m
doing something wrong,’ explains
Rochelle. ‘But I’ll be like, ‘No, Pete will
tell me if I’m doing it wrong.’’

‘Eat well, cheat

at weekends’

Rochelle doesn’t know how much she
weighs and doesn’t own any scales, but
comparing the ‘before’ and ‘after’
pictures Pete has sent her shows that
perseverance has clearly paid off. She’s
not quite back in her pre-pregnancy
clothes just yet, but she’s almost there.

‘I’ve noticed

a difference,

but I’m still

trying to live’

‘I’ve definitely noticed a difference, for
sure, but also I am still trying to live. I just
think – eat well, cheat at the weekends.
That’s sort of my way.’

‘Hopefully I will
improve from now’
And sensible Rochelle, who admits she
recently listened to the whole of Usher’s
Confessions album during a workout,
knows that getting back into shape after
having a baby shouldn’t be rushed.

‘After I do this shoot, hopefully I will
improve from here on, but it’s not ‘let’s have
a baby and all be thin – it’s not reality.’ The
presenter mixes in her healthy lifestyle
with having fun, so she made sure she
walked a lot while on holiday in Portugal,
did leg raises round the pool with her
eldest daughter and sometimes copies
sessions from Pete’s Instagram if he’s not
around to put her through her paces.
And since she’s mainly working out at
home, Rochelle doesn’t make a big effort
clothes-wise when she’s burning the

With second
baby, Valentina
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