Australian Yoga Journal — July 2017

(ff) #1


july 2017


Only goddesses are strong enough to connect with the cosmos, so
channel this element in Goddess Pose. Step your feet apart, turn your toes
out 45 degrees, and bring your palms together between your eyebrows.
Then, bend the knees slightly and with an open heart, open your hands and spread your
fingers wide, bringing your forearms and upper arms to right angles. Radiate energy
through each finger, as if it were connected to a star or planet. With your exhale, say
“Eeeeeeeeessssssssss” (an ancient name of the goddess Ix), hissing the final ’s’. For the
next 2 rounds, stay in Goddess Pose and chant Ix’s name 2 more times, bringing energy
to your third eye and crown chakra, the seat of intuition and higher knowledge.
End your practice by placing your hands over your heart, one hand on top of the other.
Bow to the right, saying the Mayan greeting, “InLak’Ech” (“I am you”), then bow to the
left, saying, “Ala K’in” (“You are Me. We are one”).



Travel to Mexico with Kat Tudor and Miguel Angel Vergara Calleros to explore
ancient Mayan sites and rituals, along with daily meditations and movement
practices (
To explore South America through this lens, start with retreats with Kawoq
Conscious Living School, founded by Juan Pablo Barahona, who has taught
energy medicine, healing arts, and shamanistic yoga for decades (
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