hanks to the GeForce 750 G82 at the
heart of BFG’s latest offering, you can
now build a dual-GeForce rig using
any PCI Express-compliant motherboard—
including CrossFire and Intel models.
As much as the 750 G82 sounds like
SLI in a single slot, n6idia pointedly does
not describe it as such. The company is
also not allowing the do-it-yourself crowd
to use two G82s to build their own quad-
SLI systems. And that’s fine with us: The
current crop of 0-inch panels that would
render quad SLI worthwhile aren’t fast
enough for gaming anyway.
Architecturally, the 750 G82 resembles
the 700 GT8: It’s outfitted with 24 pixel-
shader units and eight vertex-shader
units, and is paired with 512MB of GDD2
memory. In order to maintain reasonable
thermals, however, the core is clocked
at just 500MHz and the memory runs at
600MHz. Factory-overclocked models were
coming onto the market as we went to
press, but this BFG card was clocked the
same as n6idia’s
reference design.
Specs like those
would have
been big news
six months ago,
but they’ve
become com-
monplace lately. What’s not so common is
the fact that every 750 G82 card has two
of these puppies.
A G82 card is formed by bolting
together two PCBs, but only one has a PCI
Express edge connector. A proprietary PCI
Express switch on the second PCB handles
communication between the two proces-
sors and interactions with the host PC’s
PCI Express bus. Although each board
has its own cooling fan, the G82 is whis-
per-quiet. There’s a pair of Dual-Link D6I
connectors, but as with conventional SLI,
output to the second D6I connector is shut
down while running in dual-GP5 mode.
There is S- and component-video output,
but no video input.
The 750 G82 is one of the first videocards
to feature the HDCP technology required to
play copy-protected Blu-ray and HD-D6D
movies. HDCP requires each component in
the digital playback chain—the disc drive,
the videocard, and the display—to be outfit-
ted with a crypto-2OM that stores a set of
encryption keys. These encryption keys are
also stored on each copy-protected Blu-ray
and HD-D6D disc.
+eys are exchanged at each stage of
digital playback: from
the disc to the drive,
from the drive to the
videocard, and from
the videocard to the
display. If at any point
in the path this hand-
shake fails to take
place, the sending
device can refuse to
pass on high-definition
data in digital form.
One obvious problem with this D2M
scheme is that the vast majority of digital
displays in use today are not HDCP capa-
ble, which will force users to revert to ana-
log video connections (6GA or component)
in order to enjoy high-definition video. But
there’s an aspect of AACS that’s capable
of blocking that avenue, too: It’s called
the Image Constraint Token (ICT). Discs
encoded using ICT will restrict video output
to a maximum resolution of 60x540 the
moment the HDCP chain is broken. There
are rumors that the ICT won’t be enabled
by Hollywood studios until after 2010, but
no official word has come down.
What’s even more troubling about
HDCP, however, is the fact that if any
device in the playback chain—or even an
entire model line—is ever determined to
have been compromised, meaning its copy-
protection has been hacked or otherwise
defeated, it can be placed on a blacklist
that gets written to newly manufactured
copy-protected discs. These discs will then
refuse to send high-definition digital data to
any device in that blacklisted family.
The benchmark chart shows that the
750 G82 easily lives up to n6idia’s claim
that its the fastest single
videocard on the market.
BFG GeForce
7950 GX2
Does SLI by any other name smell as sweet?
nVidia technology enables BFG’s GeForce 7950 GX2 to deliver the
power of two fast videocards while requiring just one PCI Express slot.
7950 GX2 7900 GT / SLI 7900 GTX / SLI X1900 XTX/ CROSSFIRE
Scores other than HQV represent frames per second at the native resolution of a 23-inch Viewsonic VP2330wb display: 1920x1200. Each card was installed in an Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe motherboard with a dual-core 2.6GHz Athlon 64 FX-
60 and 2GB of Corsair DDR400 RAM.
3DMARK 06 GAME 1 19.4 12.5 / 22.7 15.0 / 27.2 18.4/ 32.0
3DMARK 06 GAME 2 27.3 17.6 / 33.1 20.7 / 38.1 20.0 / 35.2
FEAR 57.0 34.0 / 63.0 42.0 / 70.0 27.0 / 39.0
OBLIVION 22.9 16.1 / 15.9 19.5 / 20.2 21.2 / 21.2
QUAKE 4 89.2 49.2 / 83.6 66.7 / 113.8 58.0 / 92.7
HQV 88 88 / 88 88 / 88 63 / 0
The dual 7950 GX2s in nVidia’s videocard
sandwich communicate via this tiny card
connecting the two circuit boards.
'05 n6idia 750 G82 (x 2)
-%-/29 1GB GDD2 (512MB x 2)
#/2% #,/#+ 30%%$ 500MH:
-%-/29 600MHz
#,/#+ 30%%$