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If you have a contender for Rig of the Month, e-mail rig @maximumpc.com with high-res digital pics and a 300-word write-up.
f Craig Tate’s PC brings to mind an
engine’s guttural rumble, the screech-
ing of tires, and the acrid taste of exhaust
fumes, it’s because his rig takes its cues
from a 1969 BOSS 302 Ford Mustang—a
muscle-car classic, if ever there was one.
From the gloss-black powder-coated frame,
to the vinyl striping, to the custom “hood”
scoop (which functions as an air intake),
Tate has spared no detail in constructing his
hot rod. And like any self-respecting shade-
tree mechanic, he has a list of additions and
tweaks he still plans to make.
To make the scoop on the top of the case,
Tate fi rst laid down an aluminum base shape,
covered it in aerosol insulation foam, cut and
shaped the foam to the disired proportions,
applied two layers of fi berglass, fi ve layers of
bondo, primer, and then paint. And “yes,” he
says, “it was a pain in the ass.”
ririgg of the monthADVENTURES IN PC MODIFICATION Sponsored by
For his winning entry, Craig Tate wins a $500 gift certifi cate for
TigerDirect to fund his modding madness! See all the hardware deals at
http://www.tigerdirect.com, and turn to page 108 for contest rules.
For his winning entry, Craig Tate wins a $500 gift certifi cate for
TigerDirect to fund his modding madness! See all the hardware deals at
Tate added a VU meter that
shows wattage consumed to
the front of the Cooler Master
Centurion 531 case.
It’s not the authentic
Butterscotch Mustang
paint, but OSHA Orange
makes a fi ne subsitute.
The grill on the
exhaust fan began
life as a wheel hub
for a remote
control car.
The grill on the
You’re looking
at the engine
compartment, folks—
complete with dual
Gigabyte 6800 GT cards
and an Athlon 64 FX-57
proc (nestled under that
shiny automotive-grade
air fi lter. Sweet.