Yoga Journal Singapore — April-May 2017

(Darren Dugan) #1


april / may 2017


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Stretch your hamstrings and tone

your abdominals in these prep poses

for Krounchasana.

Powerfully stretch and strengthen your legs

and turn your consciousness inward as you

movestep by stepinto Krounchasana.

Supta Padangusthasana Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe
Pose, variation

page 29

page 28

Stretches the hamstrings; strengthens the abdomen; increases hip
Lie on your back with both knees bent, heels near your sitting bones. Raise
your left knee toward your chest and catch your left foot with both hands.
Extend your left leg upward, stretching your hamstring from the buttock to
the knee, and draw your quadriceps muscles from the knee toward the hip.
If you can’t straighten your leg while holding your foot with your hands,

loop a strap around your foot. Tighten your kneecap and press your femur
toward the back of your thigh. Maintain that action as you pull your leg
toward your torso. Exhale, lift your trunk, and bring your forehead toward
your shin. Stay here for 15–20 seconds, with normal breathing. Lie back,
release your left leg, and change sides.

Stretches and strengthens the muscles of the legs;
invigorates the abdominal organs while quieting and
calming the mind

1 Sit in Staff Pose. Lean onto your left leg, bend your right
knee, and bring your calf and foot toward your left thigh.

2 Bring the center of your right shin to the floor, and your calf and foot
to touch the right thigh and hip. Point your right toes straight back
and spread the ball of the foot so that all your toenails touch the floor.
Join the knees. Press your right knee, outer calf, and thigh toward the
floor. If your buttocks don’t touch the floor, sit on a block or blanket. If
your pelvis tilts to the left, place a blanket under your left buttock.
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