
(Jacob Rumans) #1

Ignite your Back
Stay on your belly. Bring arms to your sides,
palms facing your hips. Hug your legs in toward
one another, rotating your thighs inward. Press
the tops of you feet and pubic bone into the mat.
When you inhale, lift your chest up off the mat
and on an exhale, engage your core, lift your
arms, tips of the pinkies reaching up. Press your
upper arms toward the ceiling while keeping
the back of your neck long. Stay as is or lift your
thighs away from the mat and keep your legs
hugging inward. Hold for 3 breaths and release.

Forearm Plank

Fire Up your Arms and Abdominals
From locust pose, bring your elbows under
your shoulders, press your forearms down
and lift your chest. Keep your heart reaching
forward as you tuck your toes under, press
through your heels and lift your pelvis and
inner thighs up. Press the crown of your head
forward as you reach back with your heels,
trying to get as much distance as you can from
your head to your feet. Engage your abdominal
wall and tuck your tailbone toward your heels.
Hold for 3 breaths and repeat 3 times.

Bridge Pose
(Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Open your Chest, Shoulders and Abdominal Wall
Lay down on your back. Bend your knees and bring your heels
toward your sit bones. If you feel any pressure in your lower
back, slide your heels away from the sit bones, until the pressure
subsides. Press your feet into the mat and lift your pelvis towards
the ceiling. Tuck your shoulders underneath themselves, and
rotate your palms so they face up toward the ceiling or interlace
your fingers underneath your pelvis. Press the upper arms and
feet into the mat, squeeze your thighs, tuck your tailbone toward
your knees while keeping your chin away from your chest. Hold
here for 5 breaths, then lower down from shoulders to hips. Rest
for 2 breaths then repeat 2 more times. If you prefer more of a
restorative version of this pose, place a block under your sacrum,
perpendicular with your vertebrae.


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