
(Jacob Rumans) #1


KEY WORD Communication

BIJA MANTRA Ham (pronounced hum)

ASANA Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulderstand)
and Matsyasana (Fish Pose).
The throat chakra is all about expressing our truth—both our inner truth and
choosing the words we use to reveal that truth, says Mari. “How we speak
and what we speak is a representation of the mind,” she says.

ASK What does your inner voice tell you? Do you see yourself
as capable of being enlightened? Do you believe you are worth
it, or is your internal dialogue limiting and negative?

Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor. As you
inhale, lift your pelvis slightly off the floor and slide your hands,
palms down, below your sitting bones; rest your buttocks on the
backs of your hands or slide them out from underneath you, as
shown. Keeping your forearms and elbows close to your torso,
and pressing firmly against the floor, inhale and lift your head and
upper torso away from your mat. Then, release your head back
onto the floor and straighten your legs if you can. Stay here for
15 to 30 seconds, breathing smoothly. To come out, on an exhale
lower your torso and the back of your head to the floor, then draw
your thighs up into your belly and squeeze your legs into your


KEY WORD Humility

BIJA MANTRA Om (pronounced aum)

ASANA Balasana (Child’s Pose).
Commonly known as the home of the third eye, this chakra is
associated with humility. “The teachers we have in our lives, who
come in the form of parents, spiritual teachers, and even our
children, are simply us—outside ourselves,” says Mari. “We often
think a teacher is one we love and adore, but sometimes the best
teachers really give us the business.”

ASK Who are your gurus? What are they here
to teach you? Who pushes your buttons? Who
loves you and kicks your proverbial butt?

BALASANA Child’s Pose
From Tabletop (on hands and knees, with your knees under your hips, and wrists
under your shoulders), bring your big toes to touch and separate your knees to
hip width; as you exhale, lay your torso down between your thighs. Lengthen
your tailbone toward the back of your mat as you stretch your arms
in front of you, or reach back and hold your heels. In this version, place the
center of your forehead (home to your third eye, or ajna chakra) on the mat.

Stay anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes.


february / march 2017
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