
(Wang) #1
End here with Savasana 5 minutes

End here with Savasana 9 minutes

OUR PRO Los Angeles–based teacher and model Grace Flowers started her practice
15 years ago. A student of Annie Carpenter, Maty Ezraty, Erich Schiffmann, Shiva Rea,
Saul David Raye, and numerous others, Grace has a unique teaching style that encourages
artistic exploration in her students. Learn more at

Vrksasana Tree Pose

Stand at the top of your mat, feet together. Shift
your balance to the left foot and leg. Hug your right
knee in toward your chest with your hands, then
place the sole of your right foot against your inner
left thigh—either above or below the left knee.
Bring your hands to your heart. Work on dropping
the right hip down and pressing your pinky toe into
your leg, which will help you find balance in your
pelvis. If you feel steady, consider reaching both
arms skyward. Take 4–5 long, deep breaths, keep-
ing your heart lifted, then change sides.

Eye-of-the-Needle Pose
Lie on your back and cross your right ankle over
the top of your left knee. Lift your left leg as you
flex your right foot, and reach through to hold the
back of your left thigh with both hands. Inhale as
you draw the left thigh closer to your chest while
keeping your pubic bone curling down toward
your tailbone. Exhale, relaxing your shoulders
and neck, finding broadness across your chest.
Breathe here for 4–5 breaths, then change sides.

Chair Pose
From Mountain Pose, place a block between
your upper thighs. With your feet parallel and
toes pointing forward, squeeze the block and
bend your knees deeply, reaching the buttocks
back as if you were about to sit. Draw your
shinbones back so your knees hover over
your ankles, and continue to squeeze the block.
Breathe deeply for 30 seconds, then stand to
rest in Tadasana. Repeat 1–2 more times. 

Garland Pose

With your feet slightly more than hip-width apart,
squat, keeping your feet firmly planted on your mat
or a blanket (if your heels lift). Snuggle your upper
arms against your inner thighs and hug your inner
thighs into the backs of your arms, with your hands
in Anjali Mudra. Inhale your heart up toward the sky
and breathe deeply for 1 minute. If this posture feels
challenging, it helps to externally rotate your thighs.
You will notice your feet and knees turn out on a
diagonal to give you more space.

Prasarita Padottanasana
Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend
Turn to face the long-edge side of your mat and
step your feet wide, outer edges of your feet
parallel with your mat’s short-edge sides. Bring
your hands to your hips. Inhale and lift your chest;
as you exhale, hinge from your hips and fold
forward, bringing your hands to the floor or to
blocks. Breathe deeply for 30 seconds, then inhale
to return to standing. Repeat 1–2 more times.


february 2016

2 minutes,
16–20 breaths

1 minute,
8–10 breaths

1 minute,
8–10 breaths

1 minute,
8–10 breaths

Find additional
poses and sequences
beginneryoga. Our fun,
flexible online courses
offer detailed instruction
and an intro to a variety
of yoga styles—from
vinyasa and Iyengar to
Kundalini and Yin. Sign
up today to start a safe
home practice and a
long-lasting love affair
with yoga.

1 minute,
8–10 breaths
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