
(Wang) #1

The peacekeeper

AS A UNITED NATIONS (UN) civic education
officer based in Kabul, Afghanistan,
Amandine Roche had a firsthand
view of the turmoil, terror, and trauma
that have engulfed the country and its
people for decades. In 2oo4, three of
Roche’s UN colleagues were kidnapped
in front of her office. Fearing that Roche
would be next, the UN removed her from
her post in the country that same year.
That’s when Roche began to suffer PTSD,
with symptoms that included anxiety,
nightmares, flashbacks, and stomach
pain. Then she turned to her teacher,
the Dalai Lama, for guidance, taking in
his words during a public teaching: “There
is no outer peace without inner peace.”
The words woke up Roche. “I realized
that I cannot bring peace to the world if
I do not know how to deal with my own
stress,” she says. So she spent 2oo7 and 2oo8
traveling throughout India, studying under
various spiritual teachers and practicing
hatha yoga and vipassana meditation, both
of which ultimately enabled her to heal
from her trauma and cultivate inner peace.

“These practices changed my way of serving
when I’m on mission,” says Roche. “I went
from my head into my heart, and I realized
that I need to live in true tolerance and
compassion to be a real advocate of peace.”
When the UN called Roche back to Af-
ghanistan in 2oo9 to provide civic educa-
tion, she was initially hesitant to risk her
newfound inner calm. But she did return,
and found that a daily yoga and medita-
tion practice helped her maintain inner
peace and balance—even as bombs fell

A human-rights advocate brings healing yoga and meditation
to war-torn Afghanistan. By Jessie Lucier

outside her office window and colleagues
were killed. Coworkers soon asked her for
meditation instruction, and before long
Roche was teaching meditation and asana
to her colleagues and to women in jails,
children in orphanages, and US soldiers.
In 2o 1 2, Roche became a registered
yoga teacher and decided it was time
to expand her efforts and offer more
Afghanis, especially children, the heal-
ing benefits of yoga. So she launched the
Amanuddin Foundation. (Amanuddin was
the name the Afghans gave her when she
first arrived in Kabul in 2oo 1 ; it trans-
lates to “joyful protector of peace.”) Her
mission: to bring yoga and meditation
teachings to children in the Taliban region
of Kabul and to people in jails—essen-
tially prisoners of war for crimes against
the government. The program also aims
to train Afghani citizens to become yoga
and meditation teachers and spread the
practices in their homeland. Money is also
being raised for a mobile theater drama
that will promote the legacy of Abdul
Ghaffar Khan, an advocate of nonviolence
among the ethnic Pashtuns in Afghani-
stan and Pakistan, and a close friend of
Mahatma Gandhi.
To date, the Amanuddin Foundation
has reached roughly 1 ,ooo Afghanis,
but expansion has stopped due to poten-
tial dangers. “In a country that’s never
peaceful, we’ve been able to connect with
so many hearts,” says Roche. “We’re all
born wise, and through the inner peace
achieved through yoga and meditation,
the children and people of Afghanistan
can remain in peace as they were in
the beginning.”

FROM LEFT Amandine Roche teaches meditation
to Afghani children, and to soldiers.

Sponsor a child
For $25 monthly, you can reach 350
school-aged children, who are being taught
peace and nonviolence, and help develop
a mobile theater program and a mental-
health program for those suffering from
PTSD (more than 80 percent of Afghanis).
For more information and to donate,




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