
(Jeff_L) #1

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Natural Born Beauty

Ways to counter hidden toxins in the modern environment. By Denise Leicester

More of us are becoming conscious of the
harmful chemicals we ingest by avoiding
processed and non-organic foods, and
switching to natural cosmetics and toiletries.
But what about the hidden toxicants we’re
exposed to without even realising?
Besides cleaning products, air fresheners
and insect repellants, here are a few you
may not have considered: chemicals like
triclosan, phthalates and BPA, found in
everything from vinyl raincoats to shower
curtains, metal food cans to modern
plastics in general.
These chemicals interfere with the body’s
endocrine system (the network of glands
that helps us function properly), and while
many are legally ‘safe in small quantities’,
our pre-packaged world is exposing us to far
more on a daily basis.
And then there’s stress, which puts the
body and organs under duress, resulting in
excess hormone production that creates
imbalance, leaving us more susceptible to
other health issues.

Our skin is also at increased risk from
modern ailments like ‘computer burn’. Dr
David Fenton, consultant dermatologist at
St Thomas’s Hospital, London, says that
exposure to UV radiation in any form –
whether computer screens or sunrays – will
speed up skin ageing. David Olszewski, co-
author of a light therapy book entitled, Light
Years Ahead, talks about radiation from TVs
and computers causing an optical effect
that hinders healing. Then there’s the glare,
eyestrain and reduced oxygen flow caused
by artificial light.
When I started using computers I would
get burning eyes, pain in my solar plexus,
and my skin would be quite drawn. I learnt
that screens emit a small amount of
radiation and positive ions ‘within safe
levels’, but my body told me this wasn’t
good for me. As a result, I always have a
Himalayan salt lamp next to my computer; it
releases beneficial negative ions to balance
this computer microenvironment, reducing
tiredness and headaches.

In 10 years time, I’m sure we’ll have
products and facials to counterbalance
the effects of computers on our skin and
general wellbeing. But perhaps we should be
exploring this more fervently now.

Conscious Beauty
The following ‘computer cleansing ritual’ is
a great respite for tired eyes (and bodies).
Light a candle (non-paraffin based) and
immerse yourself in a Himalayan salt bath.
Gently apply rose hydrolat eye pads for 15
minutes, follow with an eye serum, and
finish with a rose face oil or cream to
hydrate, cool and replenish the skin. On
an everyday level, be more aware of time
spent in front of a computer, TV or other
screen. Take regular breaks, look away from
the screen often, and exercise your eyes by
switching your focus from left to right, and
near to far.

Denise Leicester is the founder of ila-spa.com
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