
(Jeff_L) #1

om beginnings

When did you first discover yoga
Believe it or not I used to be a DJ at the world
(in)famous Hacienda Nightclub in Manchester
(RIP) and, well, the life of excess made me a
mess. A friend recommended yoga as a way
of getting my mind (and body) back on track.
Within six months I’d hung up the headphones
and booked a ticket to study with Guruji
Pattabhi Jois in Mysore India for three months.

What inspired you in those early days
I know this might sound a bit conceited but I

actually inspired myself. When I first started I
was literally going round the bend and I pretty
much single handedly turned things around by
dedicating myself to a daily yoga practice.

Tell us about the style you teach
I teach traditional Ashtanga Yoga – sometimes.
I learnt in the early days of teaching that I
needed to be flexible with how I taught as
not everyone who came to class was as
enthusiastic about Ashtanga as I was. So now I
teach the traditional Mysore Style self-practice

and also a less intense variation for beginners.

What do you do other than yoga
Zazen. I became a Zen Buddhist a couple
of years back and so I sit a lot. It’s very
interesting to see how things are changing
for me as I get older. These days if I only
have time for either asana or Zazen I usually
will do the Zazen. I’ve also got a young
18-month-old daughter Agnes Boo, who is lots
of fun but she’s full of beans and uses up all
my asana energy.
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