
(Greg DeLong) #1
Svarga Dvijasana
pages 71-72

Unfold and extend step by step

into Svarga Dvijasana


A challenging balance that
incorporates hip opening,
core and back strengthening
and hamstring lengthening


1 Start in Warrior Pose II, with a
bent left leg, right foot turned in
slightly and a firm, straight back
leg. Inhale and take your arms to
shoulder height. Exhale and bring
your left arm under the left thigh,
and your right arm to the sky, then
behind your back. Clasp the left
wrist with the right hand. Keeping
the left leg bent, twist the torso to
the sky as you gently press the
hips forward. Your drishti is over
your right shoulder as you settle
into Baddha Utthita Parsvakonasana,
or Bound Extended Side Angle Pose.

2 Exhale and look down. Turn
both your feet parallel and then
carefully start to move them
towards one another. Once the
legs are close to hip distance,
straighten them both and twist
your torso to the right, keeping
the bind and finding Baddha
Uttanasana, or Bound Standing
Forward Bend.

(^3) Pour all of your weight into your
right foot and start to lift your
torso, bringing the left leg off the
floor. Keep the supporting foot’s
toes spread; your weight should
be evenly distributed between the
big toe, little toe, and inner and
outer heel, maintaining 4 points of
balance. Keep the lifted leg bent in
this Svarga Dvijasana variation –
Bird of Paradise with a bent leg.

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