
(Marcin) #1



Award-winning Philadelphia chef and
founder of the Vetri family of restaurants
and Vetri Foundation for Children

I wish I’d found yoga earlier. I do Ashtanga;
I started about 12 years ago. It just worked
for me. Mysore was all about feeling that
connection with the movement and the
breath, and I thought, ‘This is the way
it’s supposed to be.’ Had I started earlier,
I would have a better understanding of
it, and maybe I would have been able
to travel to Mysore and study with some
of the founders.
I was a working chef when I started yoga.
I found myself a lot more centered, I felt
better, I had more energy. Yoga helps me
with stress. It certainly helps me with focus.
I’m on my feet a lot, so doing yoga, and
doing lifts and folds, helps with lengthen-
ing your spine and loosening things up
so they don’t hurt as much.
I met my wife at the studio. I actually prac-
ticed next to her for a year without saying
a word to her. One day it happened that
we were in the hallway at the same time
and just started talking, and that was it.
Now I think she prefers doing yoga without
me because I lose focus whenever I’m
practicing with her.
I don’t meditate. They always put sign-ups
for after Sunday practice, to chant and have
a discussion, and everyone’s always asking
if I’m going to go, and I’m like, ‘No way,
are you kidding me?’ That’s what yoga is
for them, and that’s great. I’m not dissing
it; it just doesn’t work for me.
I don’t understand when someone says,
‘I don’t do yoga, I’m not flexible.’ For me,
yoga is not a workout. It’s a way to be
better in touch with my inner self. I could
practice for the next 30 years and I may
never be able to get into Lotus, but that
doesn’t mean that I’m not practicing yoga.
In the end, when we’re old and frail and
still practicing, all we have is our breath.


“Make what’s important a

priority. If it takes a back seat,

it’s obviously not a priority.

Yoga has never taken a back

seat in my life.”

Favorite asana

Sun Salutations. I could
just do 20 of them for
my entire practice. They
open up everything and
make it easy to follow
the lead of your breath.

YOGA JOURNAL Issue 270 (ISSN 0191-0965, USPS 116-050), established in 1975, is published nine times a year (February, March, May, June, August, September, October, November, December) by Cruz Bay Publishing, Inc., an
Active Interest Media company. The known office of publication is 5720 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, CO 80301. Annual sub scription: US $21.95; Canada $33.95; overseas $43.95. Single copies: US $5.99; Canada $6.99. Agreement
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Interview by Corina Quinn





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