Yoga JournalUSA-January-February_2017

(ff) #1


february 2017

8 A

Upward Bow Pose, a.k.a. Wheel Pose
Lie on your back and bend both knees, placing
your feet hip-distance apart and parallel on your
mat. Place your hands by your ears, fingers facing
your shoulders. On an inhalation, press your hands
and feet down, and lift your hips and chest into a
backbend. Drop out of it the tiniest amount, slightly
internally rotate your legs, lengthen your tailbone,
and reach your armpits toward your wrists (8A).
Try to stay for 20–30 breaths and pay attention to
where along your spine you feel either fluidity or
resistance. Develop an evenness of effort in your
whole body. If Wheel causes back pain or isn’t avail-
able to you, practice Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
(Bridge Pose) or Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) instead.
To release, exhale and lower to the floor.

8 B

To neutralize your spine after Wheel Pose, gradually lift your
feet off the floor and hold your knees, letting your lower
legs dangle; allow your lower back to lift off the floor slightly
(8B). Finally, rock your pelvis from side to side. Stay for
30–60 seconds.
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