Yoga JournalUSA-January-February_2017

(ff) #1


february 2017

9 S AVAS ANACorpse Pose
Lying on the floor, let your feet fall open, slightly wider
than hip-distance. Extend your arms alongside your
body, palms facing the sky. Turn on a favorite, calming
10-minute song. Remain in Savasana until the song
ends. Simply doing nothing can be a tapas practice for
some people. It may seem like a waste of time, but if
you stay a full 10 minutes, layers of resistance start to fall
away, helping the body and mind to rest.

10 SIDDHASANAAdept’s Pose
After Savasana, take a comfortable seat. Make sure your
knees are slightly lower than your hips. You can sit on
a blanket or cushion to help. Place your hands on your
thighs, palms facing down if your mind is active, palms
up if you are tired. Close your eyes and remain still for
20 minutes. Focus on watching the breath enter and exit
through the nostrils. Respond to everything that arises
with stillness. It is normal to want to move or adjust;
the discipline is to remain physically still. Eventually, the
mind catches up and quiets. Notice which excuses and
fantasies arise and simply watch them pass.



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