Microsoft’s next version of Windows will be
around for 10 years, when it finally arrives.
Here’s a sneak peek at the tricks and treats
you can expect from Vista when it’s assem-
bled in 2006
oft’s^ nex
t^ versio
n^ of^ Wi
ndows^ w
ill be^
Comes Together
o here we are. Four years after Microsoft released Win-
dows XP, the once-perfect operating system is plagued
by insecurities, viruses, and spyware. No one’s safe—
even Maximum PC editors have suffered under these scourg-
es. Sure, Service Pack 2 has helped the problem some, the
fi rewall has slowed the distribution of worms, and Internet
Explorer is a bit more secure, but spyware is still everywhere.
The answer—at least according to Microsoft—is Win-
dows Vista. Vista, which you may know by its code-name
Longhorn, is the next major release of Windows. Microsoft’s
goal with the new OS is to streamline and simplify. Key com-
ponents of the OS have been rebuilt from the ground up.
Unnecessary legacy components have been excised. Lega-
cy code that remains necessary for the time being has been
compartmentalized, for easy and safe removal later. Major
portions of the OS have been revamped, with an eye toward
the way people want to use their computers now, not the
way they did in 1995, when PCs (and graphical interfaces)
were a novelty for most computer users.
We just got our grubby mitts on the fi rst beta of Vista, and
have prepared a guided tour for you—with loads of photos, and
a feature-by-feature walk-through of the new OS. Keep in mind
that this is just the fi rst beta. Before the fl edgling OS is ready to
fl y late next year, the code monkeys at Microsoft will continue
to tweak the user interface, add new features, and refi ne exist-
ing elements. The vast majority of the fi nal changes should be
in place by the time Microsoft ships Beta 2, toward the end of
this year. What you see here could (and probably will) change
before Vista launches in late 2006. This is a hint of what’s to
come rather than an iron-clad prophecy of the future.