MaximumPC 2005 10

(Dariusz) #1


tial stereo. Unfortunately, even the nVidia
drivers have a couple problems that might or
might not be resolved by the time you read
this: First, nVidia tells us that if you install its
3D Stereo driver, the Forceware driver you’re
using must be of the same version number.
As of this writing, the latest Forceware driver
was version 77.72, but the latest 3D Stereo
driver was only version 71.89.
The second problem has to do with
games: In order to resolve visual anomalies
with games running in frame-sequential

stereo mode, you must go through the
tedious process of creating custom con-
figurations for each title. A long list of
configuration files is included in nVidia’s
3D Stereo driver, but these are all for older
games—and we’re talking about games
older than Far Cry.
nVidia says it plans to bring the 3D
Stereo driver back into sync with its
Forceware driver effective with version
77.77. The company is also committed to
creating new game-configuration files for
3D Stereo; but anyone contemplat-
ing purchasing a Z800 for 3D gaming
should plan on creating their own files,
just in case. As for ATI, reps for the

company were unable to tell us at press
time whether there are plans to support
frame-sequential stereo in ATI videocards.
When contemplating a product like the
Z800 3DVisor, you have to ask yourself just
how close to the bleeding edge of technol-
ogy you’re willing to venture. This device
makes a terrific 2D display for both enter-
tainment and productivity apps. Playing
games on the Z800 is a blast, once you
get over the head-tracking learning curve.
Its 3D performance in games, on the other
hand, is something of an unfulfilled prom-
ise. At least for now.

Wave your geek flag
high! The Z800 3DVisor
is comfortable to wear
even for long stretches.



Expensive; 3D mode com-
patible only with nVidia
videocards and requires
custom game configs.

Best use of OLED tech-
nology we’ve seen to date.


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