
(Grace) #1

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - A Perspective

Samar Chauhan

In yoga, various techniques are given and there is a lot of importance attached
to them. And a lot of people are interested in learning and mastering them. While
such techniques are useful no doubt, they cannot by themselves lead to results.

Achievement of results requires the mind to be in the right state. That is the
difficult part. In our case, for instance, even if we follow the techniques of Sukhasana
or Talasana vigorously, we are still unable to achieve results because our mind lacks
the required intensity and desire. As a result, our efforts remain half hearted and
purely at the physical level. On the other hand, those efforts which are backed by an
intense urge and total dedication can lead to results.

This principle, in fact, is not just confined to yoga, but to different walks of life. An
example would be Eklavya, the boy who wished to learn archery but was rejected as
a student by Dronacharya and yet, his intensity led him to the highest level.

This Sutra classifies the students into different categories depending on how strong
is this urge. This classification helps one to understand and evaluate themselves
better and also in planning their efforts towards spiritual progress.

Chapter 1.22

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Mrdu Madhya Adhimatratvat Tatah Api Visheshah
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