
(Steven Felgate) #1

Teacher Training Guide 2017

June 2017

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Welcome to this special report on yoga teacher
training, brought to you by the team at OM
Yoga & Lifestyle Magazine. This report is ideal
reading for anyone thinking about taking
the big leap into yoga teaching or for those
contemplating a career in the world of yoga.
There’s no better time to do it. Yoga is
booming in the UK and around the world, as
more and more people discover its wonderful
benefits, as a counter to the high stress, permanently switched on
culture that we all live in today.
Yes, that means more people are choosing to go down the teacher
training route, but the demand for yoga services – and all things yoga,
for that matter – continues to expand. For those serious about making
a career in yoga teaching, then it is most certainly possible.
For all prospective teachers though the decisions to be faced are
daunting given the huge number and variety of courses and options on
offer nowadays. It can be quite bewildering. Course durations can vary
from one month intensives to a prolonged but intermittent two year
study period, while course locations can take you all over the world.
We’re here to help. Inside, you’ll find advice and tips from some of
the yoga world’s leading lights designed to steer you through the maze
from choosing the right course, to knowing when and if you’re ready to
commit to yoga teacher training in the first place.
Read through some of the student profiles for a flavour of what it
takes to get through the teacher training experience, and understand
what it takes to get established after graduating. It’s a long journey,
but one that’s well worth taking. Feel inspired and make it happen.


COVER: Esther Ekhart (

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