
(Steven Felgate) #1

om lite

Victoria Jackson ponders the challenges of taking your
yoga practice outdoors during the British summertime


very year, about this time, as the seasons turn a little
further towards summer and the days are longer, lighter
and warmer, I find myself tempted to take my practice
outside. It feels stuffy and confined indoors and, after a
day working in the office in artificial light, I crave some
open spaces and fresh air. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to drift out of
work to the nearest park and roll out my mat there for some al
fresco asana instead of heading to the studio or practicing at home
in my apartment? I’d have a beautiful expanse of sky above me, the
spreading trees as my inspiration for standing postures and the
grass would tickle my feet deliciously in Savasana. The sun would
warm me gently and perhaps a soft summer zephyr would play over
my skin bringing a vital aliveness to each posture. The birds would
sing and insects buzz past offering up their own natural rendition
o f a n ‘om’. In my mind it would be a perfect setting and my
beautiful practice would flow along effortlessly with the very rhythms
of life and the natural world. Aaaah, I’m smiling even at the thought
of it. Bliss!
So it’s no surprise that in the past few years I’ve succumbed to
this modest yoga fantasy. But of course it’s never quite lived up to
my expectations. In reality, the ground is always annoyingly lumpy
as the winter mud has dried in uneven corrugations. This might

create an interesting challenge in balancing poses, but it’s plain
uncomfortable to lie on. And the UK always feels too cold, even on
the sunniest day, so extra layers are a must. Anyone who’s tried
even one Downward Facing Dog in a hoody will know how distracting
that can be. And besides that, no matter how focused I try to be,
concentrating madly on nose-tip or fingertip drishti, I always get
distracted by unfamiliar sounds - anything from the sudden sirens of
emergency vehicles to comments from passers-by (and their ever-
curious children). And finally, who can actually sink into a satisfying
Savasana in a public place? In a busy, urban environment that would
take my level of trust to a whole new level!
So I’m resolved to stick indoors this year and just embrace the
sweaty heat of my practice. If I get tempted to try outdoor asana
just one more time, I’m going to remind myself of the lowest point
last summer: the time when a dog actually cocked its leg towards
my yoga mat. It was hard in that moment to remember ahimsa and
compassion for all fellow creatures. And whatever words sprang to
my lips in that moment of indignation and incredulity, it certainly
wasn’t om shanti!!

Victoria Jackson lives and practices in Oxford. She is registered with
Yoga Alliance as a vinyasa yoga teacher

Al fresco asana

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