Asana - Issue 172 - April 2017

(Barry) #1

Issue 172 | aprIl 2017


06 Yoga Feature - Yoga, The Journey to the Heart

14 Yoga Philosophy - Rajayoga – The Answer for – Where
Should Good

16 Ayurveda Talks - A Snapshot on Research in Ayurveda

22 Thyroid Disorders – Yoga Therapy And Ayurvedic View

30 My Asana - Eka Pada Baddha Raja Kapotasana / Bound One-
Legged King Pigeon Pose

38 Yoga News - Novant Health Group Offering “Mommy-Baby
Yoga” In Baby’s 1st Year

39 Yogic Food - Orange and Carrot Salad with Goji Berries and
Orange Blossom Water

40 Yoga Music - Breathe Beats

41 Yoga Poem - Sirsasana - Headstand

42 Yoga Events Calendar
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