Blitz - June-July 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1

Jim, what
lesson that
you’ve learned
during your
martial arts
journey do you believe
your students (and Blitz
readers) would most
benefit from knowing
sooner rather than later?
One of the most important
lessons I’ve learnt from my
30-plus years in martial
arts, is that how and
what you think decides
the majority of your life.
Everyone knows this on
some level, but most people
don’t do anything about it.
There are those that will put
thought into certain parts
of their lives, especially if it’s
something they excel at, but
they don’t seem to put as
much thought into the rest
of their lives — the everyday
aspects. How and what you
think decides how you will
feel, how you feel decides
what you will do and what
you do decides the quality
and outcome of your life.
The longer I train and
teach, the easier everything
seems to become. This is
because of the thought
process behind it all. I
believe that there are only
a few universal principles
in martial arts, so you need
to put your thoughts and
efforts into those and
not into 10,000 different
techniques. If you improve
your understanding of
principles and put them
into the other parts of your
life, you will streamline your
thought process as well as
your physical abilities. In
short, improve your thinking
and it will improve your life.

JIM ARMSTRONG // Defence against an upward groin kick

Raw Combatives






Facing an irate man whose tight pants
seem to be restricting optimal blood
flow to the brain, Jim maintains calm,
distance and a subtle passive guard.

Jim then steps back and drops
his weight to bring the aggressor
down, with his rear arm
protecting his foe’s head from

...and rolls the aggressor face-down with
his shin/knee, enabling Jim to apply a
restraint or escape.

As the aggressor suddenly launches
into a surprise punt for Jim’s family
jewels, Jim begins angling off to the


...turning his lead hip and
leg inward to check the
straight kick at an angle...

...then uses both hands to
spin the aggressor around
so Jim is now behind him.


FINISH he simultaneously shoots
his leading hand out into the
attacker’s face. Stepping through
behind his strike...


...Jim continues forward and
follows up with a palm-strike
under the jaw with his rear hand
while seizing the opponent’s
near shoulder with the other...

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