Blitz - June-July 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1

Kyl, how has your
martial arts training
changed you?
That’s a good
one. It’s basically
given me a life. It
shaped me into who I am. I
have so much to thank martial
arts for. I have friends that
I know will be there for my
family through thick and thin
(which has been proven). It
also led to me working in a
vocation for nearly 20 years
that opened up my eyes to the
world, and I met some very
cool people along the way.
Martial arts taught me
to stick with things and
persevere. When I started
training as a teenager, I just
wanted to learn how to fight
— plain and simple — but now
that I can, my passion is to
keep training and to teach. I
love seeing the transformation
in students, to see them
evolve in all parts of their life.
Most importantly, it gave
me a family. I met my wife
studying martial arts and
now I have two beautiful
daughters who also train and
I see in them the passion that
was (and still is) in me. With
their support, I now get to
do this beautiful thing as a
full-time job — “If you love
what you do, you will never
work a day in your life.”

KYL REBER // Defence against an upward groin kick

ZDK Karate, Muay Thai & BJJ





Facing off and with his back to a
fence, Kyl sees the aggressor winding
up for a groin kick with his back leg...

Kyl then underhooks his foe’s
right arm and spins him around by
shooting back his right leg, then
shoots a thrusting elbow to the
neck, stunning the attacker...

...spinning the attacker to the
ground. Kyl maintains control of
his opponent’s near arm (so he can
re-establish control quickly and
reduce his chance of being struck)...

...then he drops his right knee onto his foe’s
chest to establish a solid knee-ride, keeping
his posture up and driving his weight down
through his knee to set up the finish.

Kyl makes a Gable grip (no thumbs)
and applies a cutting arm-bar on the
left arm, the bone of his right forearm
cutting into the elbow joint as he
squeezes. This can either break the
elbow or restrain the attacker in place
for some ‘dynamic counseling’. Kyl steps through and uses
his right leg to deflect the kick,
keeping within the centre-line. He
doesn’t use his hands to block,
instead protecting his face (notice
his left hand guarding against a
possible right-hand punch)...

...and then throws a quick uppercut
elbow through, impacting to beneath
his opponent’s chin, knocking him
back to upset his balance to create
some space.

7 8






START enable Kyl to cup his
opponent’s jaw tightly and shift his
weight backwards...

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