Blitz - June-July 2017

(Greg DeLong) #1
Formerly a long-time student of the late tai chi chuan
master Erle Montaigue, Al Williams has been instructing
martial tai chi and iron-shirt conditioning for 30 years.
Based in Gold Coast, he is co-founder of the Hands Off
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Queensland corrections officer/trainer Cliff McNeice.

the young guy has doubt about
whether he can or cannot
defend himself, and the older
one has a doubt of whether he
can still do it.
It went well as far as I am
concerned. Someone got all
worked up and most likely
shortened his own life span
because of what he did to his
blood pressure. I didn’t have to
exert myself physically at all, just
gave my mind a good workout.
I am grateful that I did not just
rage attack the aggressor and
become the bad guy. For me
personally, I got to look from
outside myself and analyse how
I was, how my training came
into play and how my mind
had coped.
I recall the adrenaline really
kicking in just as the guy was
about two car lengths away and
still running — my focus was
eyes on and breathe, to make
the body’s natural urges (shallow
breath, tense arms and fists)
subside. Let that adrenalised
feeling — I call it the volcano

— bubble up and turn it into
a positive, explosive energy; if
you go with that ‘empty gut’
feeling, you will feel as weak
as water and freeze. It was the
eye training and breathing that
enabled me to be able to control
the body’s fight, flight or freeze
situation. I can keep my heart
rate lower, staying away from the
175 BPM danger area, as I have
been practising martial arts for a
long time.
Teaching people self-defence
and kung fu for years doesn’t
make me superman, just
prepared. If I had not used my
breathing, my heart rate would
have escalated and I would not
have been able to think straight.
It is natural for the brain to feel
fear and its job is to control the
body and get it out of harm’s
way, so to sit and analyse the
situation was great for me. When
I teach the next generation, I use
this experience to convey that
techniques are important, but
having your body and mind calm
is paramount.

Williams and McNeice
doing conditioning drills



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