Golf World UK - August 2017

(Ann) #1


Get precise with
your strike
Much is made of the
importance of hitting the
sweetspot with your driver and
irons, but it’s just as important
for putting. Speed and distance
control are the keys to good
putting and you can’t achieve
that if your strike pattern is all
over the putter face. Putts hit
out of the toe or heel will not
only come up short, they’ll veer
off line, too – a combination
that makes it impossible to
control speed. Focus on these
three pointers to hit the ball
solidly every time.

Keep your head still – if it
moves, your upper body will
move with it and knock
everything out of sync.

Keep your stroke compact –
the longer your stroke, the
more chance the putter head
has to stray off line.

Stay down until the ball is on
its way – looking up too early
will knock your shoulders off
line and very often cause you
to miss putts left.


Hit the dimple
for pure strikes
strike is to colour in one
dimple on a golf ball. Align
the putter face with that
dimple at address and focus
purely on striking the
coloured dot on the ball. A^
great drill for improving your
concentration, too.


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