OM Yoga UK – June 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

om yoga teacher training guide

Getting ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime?

Gopala Amir Yaffa offers some hints to get you game ready

Game on


ounting the days till your first yoga teacher training starts?
Excited? Apprehensive? Below are a few adjustments and
enhancements to attitude that will help you get the most
out of your training:

  1. Be excited
    You need to be motivated. Sleepy bored students rarely get much
    out of anything, including a yoga training. To be a great yoga
    teacher, you need to have passion. If yoga doesn’t make you feel
    thrilled and excited about life, then maybe being a yoga teacher
    is not for you. Get as excited as you can about your training by
    meeting inspiring yoga teachers, reading books about yoga, listening
    to podcasts and telling everyone how you are going to change the
    world by being a yoga teacher.

  2. Practice yoga regularly and get fit
    Yoga teacher trainings often have long hours and intense physical
    demands. If you are not in good shape, you are putting yourself at a
    higher risk of injuring yourself while at training. Being yoga fit is not
    about reaching your toes with your nose or putting your leg behind
    your head; it is really more about endurance, and your ability to do
    the practice for long hours and still totally enjoy it. Practice a variety
    of yoga styles, and be exposed to as many teachers as you can in the
    time before the training. This will help you in developing strengths in
    different areas of the practice, as well as keep your mind open to the
    endless ways that yoga can be used to enhance wellbeing.
    3. Be open
    Be ready to receive new information. Don’t come thinking that
    you know it all already. Even if you are a very experienced yogi,
    know that there is more than one way to do it. You may not agree
    with some of those ways to start with, but it’s worth giving them a
    good try before negating them all together. Everything is good for
    someone; nothing is good for everyone. And along the path and with
    the passage of time, you may find that some tools you have learnt
    become irrelevant to you and that it is time to pick up new ones.
    Therefore, agree with yourself to withhold judgement just for the
    duration of the training, and empty yourself of your own ideas just to
    give it a chance...even if at the end you may need to agree to disagree.
    Blind faith is not a good quality, even in yoga, and post training
    you can take what suits you and leave the rest behind.
    With the right attitude, your training is sure to be an enriching
    experience. You will definitely receive a lot of tools to teach and to
    live, and with some healthy criticism, you will most probably also
    learn at times what not to do.

Before, after, and during your yoga teacher training, remember that
yoga is not set in stone. Yoga has been possibly evolving since the
beginning of time, and there is no reason for it to stop now. Learn all
you can, then make it your own.

Gopala Amir Yaffa is co-founder of Rainbow Yoga Training
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