OM Yoga UK – June 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Pigeon Preparation

Come back to hands and knees, bringing the left knee towards the
left wrist, heel towards the pubic bone. Extend the right leg behind
the right sit bone, making sure to stay on top of the right foot rather
than allowing the foot to splay to the left or right. Walk the hands back

  1. Ardha Matsyendrasana
    In seated position, extend legs. Bend right knee into chest and place
    to the outside of the left knee or shin. Keep left leg extended, or bend
    left knee bringing left heel outside right hip. Reach left arm up, right
    hand behind right hip, twisting to the right. Hook left elbow outside of
    the right thigh, keeping palm open to the right with fingertips faced up.
    Press the left elbow into outer right thigh to deepen the twist, every
    inhale, growing the spine taller, every exhale twisting deeper. Stay five
    breaths each side.

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  1. Tabletop
    Bring feet hip width apart, about one and a half feet from sit bones
    with heels wider than the toes, and hands about 10 inches behind hips,
    fingers facing forwards. Squeeze the shoulder blades together, opening
    the chest. Press equally down through the feet and hands, raising the
    hips to knee height. If the neck feels okay, take the crown of the head
    to the opposite direction of the knees. Stay 10 breaths.




om body

toward the hips, lengthening the front of the body. Keep the length
of the front body while walking the hands forward, coming to rest on
forearms or bringing forehead to a block, a bolster, or the floor. Stay
five breaths each side.
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