OM Yoga UK – June 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

om body

The benefits of Camel Pose:
l Camel Pose stretches our hip flexors, abdominals, intercostal
muscles and Pectoralis muscles
l The asana strengthens our Gluteals, Latissimus dorsi, Quadratus
Lumborum and Rhomboids
l The expansion of our ribcage encourages our breath to travel into
deeper areas of the lungs
l Camel Pose is a stimulating asana that helps to clear energetic
blockages and reenergise us
l Backbends help us to build trust in ourselves as we move into the

l It is suggested that Camel Pose may not be an appropriate asana to
practice for those with lower back or neck conditions and for anyone
with an abdominal hernia or recovering from recent abdominal
surgery, although modifications are always available.

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Here are some variations of the asana that you may have come across:

l Try tucking your toes under for more support in your foundation
l If reaching back feels too challenging keep your hands on your hips
l Placing a bolster on top of ankles and placing your hands here can
act as a progression towards reaching your heels
l Squeezing a block between your thighs will firm your legs and
encourage more length in your spine
l If taking your head back doesn’t feel good keep your chin gently
tucked towards your chest

Andrew McGonigle is Doctor Yogi, a medically trained yoga teacher
based in London who specialises in teaching anatomy applied to yoga.

l Step your feet hip
distance apart so that
the centre of each
ankle is in line with the
centre of each knee
l With the second
toes parallel to each
other press all 10
toenails and the top
of your feet down into
your mat

l Start by tucking your
chin to your chest as your
chest lifts
l Begin to slowly pivot
your head back keeping
length through the back
l Draw your shoulder
blades together and away
from your ears

l Lengthen up through all four sides of your waist to create
more space between your hip bones and your lower ribs
l Lifting up further through the back of your chest and
armpits begin to roll your shoulders back
l Draw your front, lower ribs towards your spine and breathe
into your back lower ribs to create space in the back of your
l Keeping this space, widen across your collar bones
(clavicles) to stabilise this space

l Your focal point
(drishti) is towards the
tip of your nose
l If this doesn’t feel
comfortable, soften
your gaze and look at
a fixed point
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