OM Yoga UK – June 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Virabhadrasana (Warriors One and Two)
Excellent mental pick-up pose which stimulates higher levels of
testosterone (the power hormone) and lower levels of cortisol (the
stress hormone). Spend 10 breaths in this pose to allow your inner
warrior to come through and feel the sense of mental strength,
clarity and focus

Start in Mountain Pose and bring the right leg back, right foot
turning out at 45 degrees. Arms above the head, hands parallel,
coming into Warrior One. Relax the shoulders. As you breathe out,
bring the left arm down and turn your torso to the side, arms raised
to shoulder height. Relax the shoulders, bend the front knee directly
over the front ankle. Look along the middle finger of the left hand,
keep the hands strong. Breathe for six breaths. As you breathe in
on the last breath, bring the arms back together into Warrior One
turning the torso to the front. Bring the arms down and come into
Mountain Pose as you breathe out.

Viparita Karni (Legs Up the Wall)
Viparita Karni is recognised for its deep restorative powers. This
pose allows you to completely surrender and relax, stimulating the
parasympathetic nervous system allowing a relaxation response to
travel throughout the whole body and into the mind.

Sit five to six inches away from the wall. Sit sideways, with your right
side against the wall. Breathe out and with one smooth movement,
swing your legs up onto the wall and your shoulders and head
lightly down onto the floor. Your sitting bones don’t need to be
right up against the wall, but a few inches away. Check the front
of your torso gently arches from your pubic bones to the top of
your shoulders. Bend your knees, press your feet into the wall and
lift your pelvis off the floor a few inches and then release. Lift and
release the base of your skull away from the back of your neck and
soften your throat. Let your sternum lift toward your chin and open
your shoulder blades away from your spine, releasing your hands
and arms out to your side. Keep your legs firm but relaxed, soften
the knees, and soften the eyes and turn them down towards your
heart. Hold for 10 breaths. On the last breath out, bend the knees
toward the chest and very slowly with one smooth movement swing
your legs down towards the floor returning to your original position
with your right side against the wall.

Balasana (Child’s Pose)
Childs Pose brings mental peace and a feeling of safety, bringing
your awareness inward and creating a sense of peace and stillness.

Begin on your hands and knees, spread your knees apart keeping
your big toes touching, and rest your buttocks on your heels, sit up
straight and lengthen your spine up through the crown of your head.
As you breathe out, bow forward, lengthening
the torso between your thighs and allow
your forehead to come to the floor. Keep
your arms long and extended, palms facing
down. Lengthen your hips to your armpits
and then extend further throughout your
fingertips. Hold for two minutes breathing
softly. To release the pose, gently use your
hands to walk your torso upright to sit back
on your heels.

Sarah Tucker is the author of a range
of yoga books, including The A To Zen
Of Yoga available from all good book
shops and amazon. Find out more at:

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