OM Yoga UK – June 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


Kneeling Side Bend
Start kneeling with the bottom up off the
heels. Stretch one leg out to the side and
firm the foot into the ground. Inhale raise the
opposite arm up and exhale slide the other
arm/hand down the stretched out leg. Feel
the stretch in the side of the body (if you
feel it in the back you have gone to far and
so come up the leg a little). Hold for three
breaths. Repeat two times each side.
Affirmation: I release the past and now
flow with life.


Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)
Starting on all fours. Have the wrists under
the shoulders and the knees under the hips.
Inhale whilst gently extending the spine and
looking up. Then slowly exhale and curl
under and look towards the navel. Repeat
up to 10 times.
Affirmation: I let life flow freely through
my entire spine.

Neck Massage
Using your thumbs and fingers, start
massaging the posterior neck muscles,
from the base moving upwards, squeezing
and releasing the muscles as you go. Then
go to the sides of the neck and use your
fingertips to make stroking movements up
the neck, and using the fingers and thumb
of one hand stroke up the front of the neck.
Next, squeeze all the shoulder area and
release, do this five times. Slowly move down
the arms, squeezing and releasing until you

get to the hands. Use your thumb to knead
into the opposite hand and make circular
movements around the palm, then squeeze
up the fingers, pulling away at the fingertips.
Do this for the other hand. Repeat this
massage until you feel release.
Affirmation: I release the energy of
my heart, and allow myself to be free

For the prevention of and
for during an attack.
Inhale for a count of three, then retain the
breath for six or nine counts, then exhale
as slowly as possible. Repeat up to nine
times. During an attack repeat as you feel

necessary. Slowing the breath in this way will
help the lungs dilate and decongest
the airways.
Affirmation: I breathe in love (inhale),
I hold love (retention) and release all
limits (exhale).

Anti-inflammatory foods are recommended.
Herbs, spices and oils great for reducing
inflammation include: turmeric, ginger,
Bromelain, Omega 3 fish oils, Himalayan,
Hawaiian or Celtic Salt and increasing your
daily water intake.

What your body is saying
The heart and lungs are related to the heart
chakra and the throat, of course, relates to
the throat chakra. This suggests that asthma
is in fact a symptom of the heart and throat.
Do you have difficulty in saying no? Are you
pushing yourself to limits or feeling stuck?
Are you always trying to prove yourself? Are
you exhausting yourself, making yourself out
of breath? Working with the energy of the
heart will help release any blockages. Being
conscious of your breath, it’s time to breathe
fully and release any limits. It’s time to love
yourself fully and to speak your truth, from
your heart to yourself and others.

Sarah Swindlehurst is the founder of The
Yogic Prescription. If there is a particular
ailment or issue you would like covered
in OM please e-mail her at: sarah@

om body

Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)
Free download pdf