OM Yoga UK – June 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

My secret place

Location Chantries, Guildford

Yo g i Beth Peak

Photo Elizabeth Boyle

The image shows yogini Beth Peak in the beautiful springtime woods
of Guildford, Surrey. It’s a special place to connect with the earth. “My
personal practice is about the balance between staying grounded
and feeling light,” says Peak. “When I practice, it is about seeking
out what I have to offer the world, whilst asking myself what I need
in that moment.” As a teacher of both adults and children, she says
that balance is the key to maintaining a happy, healthy life, whilst
delivering classes that resonate with her students. “I find this balance
when I practice outdoors, breathing the fresh air, soaking in the world
around me, feeling the earth underneath my feet.”

om beginnings

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