Yoga Journal USA – June 2017

(Barré) #1


june 2017


practice well

Bharadvajasana II
modifi cations

pages 6o–61

Bharadvajasana II,
page 53

Modify Bharadvajasana II

to fi nd safe alignment in your body.

If your Padmasana knee doesn’t touch the floor ...


B.K.S. Iyengar translates Yoga Sutra II.46—sthira
sukham asanam—as “asana is perfect firmness
of body, steadiness of intelligence, and benevolence
of spirit.” Keep this sutra in mind while practicing
asana, especially when approaching poses with
Padmasana legs. When we cultivate a firm founda-
tion in our yoga poses, we can control our move-
ments and create mobility. Work methodically, step
by step, with a steadiness of intelligence to safely
move deeper into poses. Approach your practice
with a benevolence of spirit—be kind to yourself
so you can benefit from the practice of yoga. As
Iyengar wrote in Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patan-
jali, “Performance of the asana should be nourishing
and illuminative”—not damaging and distracting.

Tolasana prep,
pages 56–58

If your hips and knees are tight ...

If you can’t grab your Padmasana
foot with your hand ...

TRY supporting it with a block.
Use the lowest height possible
while still keeping your knee
safe and pain free. Your ultimate
goal is a neutral line or down-
ward slope from hip to knee.
Breathe and soften your inner
groin to your inner knee. Roll
your inner knee to your outer
knee, and draw your outer
knee into your outer hip. Come
out if you feel any knee pain.

TRY sitting on 3–5 folded blankets
with your Padmasana leg and both
buttocks elevated on the blankets,
and your Virasana shin on the mat.
Sit back far enough that your entire
Padmasana leg rests on the blankets
and your knee is pain free. Place your
Padmasana sole either near your left
inner thigh, or, if you’re able, at the
hip crease. Never force a tight knee
into Padmasana: With practice, the
hip will open, the groin will
soften, and the knee will
become suppler.

TRY using a double-folded belt. Loop
the belt around the middle of your
Padmasana foot and place the ends
behind you on the floor. Reach your
Padmasana arm around your back
and grab the belt ends, then walk
your hand down the belt toward
your Padmasana foot. Grip the belt
where you can still get spinal exten-
sion and rotation.
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