Yoga Journal USA – June 2017

(Barré) #1


june 2017


practice well

Baddha Konasana Bound Angle Pose, variation

Creates flexibility in your hips, groins, and knees; brings circulation to your
abdominal organs; allows for good spinal extension; provides the opportu-
nity to sit quietly

Sit in Dandasana with your back against the wall. Relax your legs and place
your hands inside your knees. Bend your legs outward, bringing the soles
of your feet together. Draw your ankles toward your groin. Take a couple of
breaths here. Place the block on its narrow setting between your feet, with
your heels pressing against it. (For a deeper opening, use the block on a
wider setting.) Relax your groins and allow your knees to move away from
each other. Stay in the pose for 1 minute, then remove the block and return
to Dandasana, observing the effects of the pose while taking a few breaths.

Open your hips and hamstrings, create flexibility in your spine,

and increase circulation to your core with these prep poses for Tolasana.

Bharadvajasana II
modifications, page 54 Tolasana prep

pages 6o–61

Bharadvajasana II,
page 53
Free download pdf