Yoga Journal USA – June 2017

(Barré) #1


june 2017

Tolasana prep,
pages 56–58 Tolasana

Stay safe

When practicing poses that include Padmasana, it’s important to approach this leg position carefully and not strain your

knees. If your knees or hips feel stiff, briefly move in and out of Padmasana a few times before lifting up into Tolasana.

Also, be mindful of your wrists during takeoff, especially if they’re tight. If they hurt, come out of the pose immediately.

For tight wrists, you can try using blocks under your hands (see Tolasana variation, this page), placing them such that

your fingers hang off the blocks. Come down if the pain persists.

Tola = pair of scales · asana = pose

Scales Pose


4 On an exhale, press your hands down to lift your knees and but-
tocks off the floor. Your knees should be in line with your navel and
feel light, while your gaze is forward, not down. To quiet the mind,
picture half your gaze looking out while the other half looks in. On
your next exhale, draw the sides of your navel back and up to activate
your core and create more lift. Breathe normally and balance for as
long as is comfortable—or for as long as you feel a sense of lightness
and joy—then lower back to the floor. To exit, lean forward and take
your left foot off your right thigh, and then your right foot off your left
thigh. Return to Dandasana, extending out through your heels for
a few breaths. Then switch legs and repeat on the other side.

VARIATION If you can’t lift your buttocks
off the floor, try placing two blocks directly
under your shoulders. Now press down into
the blocks, just like you would the floor, and
get ready for takeoff!

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