Yoga Journal USA – June 2017

(Barré) #1
» TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY to converse with your body exactly as it is, inviting your whole self to
participate. Throughout the following sequence, you’ll be able to experiment with different pose options, find-
ing the versions that work best for you. Then, use what you’ve learned to inform other, similar poses in your
practice. Before beginning, come to a seated position and place your hands over your heart. Breathe at your
own pace for at least 5 breaths, feeling the connection between your hands and your heartbeat, while also feel-
ing your legs and bottom in contact with the mat. Let these physical sensations invite you into awareness. It is
from this place of presence that you can begin the conversation of yoga, getting curious about what your body
needs as you go. Use your yoga practice to build a foundation of acceptance—affirming your body by being
with it and meeting its needs as they are today.


june 2017



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