Yoga Journal USA – June 2017

(Barré) #1


june 2017

Extended Side Angle Pose
Begin standing with a wide stance—your feet 2–4 feet
apart. Turn your left toes in about 30 degrees and rotate
your right leg and foot out 90 degrees. Bend your right
knee, making sure it doesn’t move past your ankle.
Bring your right forearm to your right thigh and assess
how the right side of your body and hips feel. If they
feel compressed, come out and try this:

A Create space on your right side by bringing your
right hand to the right side of your lower belly. Move
your belly a little to the left, keeping the right side
of your body long as you bring your right forearm
above your right knee. Release your belly. Next, roll
your left shoulder up and back and extend your left
arm alongside your left ear.

Use this practice tool to alleviate compression
between two parts of the body in a pose.

5 BALASANA Child’s Pose
Finally, return to Tabletop. Begin to sit your hips back toward your heels
as you walk your hands forward, coming into Child’s Pose. If your hips
don’t come down comfortably, if your belly feels compressed, or if you
feel a bit suffocated by your chest, try this:
A From Tabletop, place a block in front of you on a low setting. Take your

knees as wide as the mat, with your big toes touching each other. Begin
moving your hips back. Your belly will have more space now that your
legs are wider. Walk your arms forward and bring your forehead to the
block, which will allow for more room to breathe.

Use these practice tools to take your legs wider and support your breath
in other forward bends—both seated and standing.



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