Yoga Journal USA – June 2017

(Barré) #1


june 2017

Yoga Journal’s new online
Master Class program
brings the wisdom of
world-renowned teachers
to your fingertips, offering
access to exclusive
workshops with a different
master teacher every six
weeks. This month, Shiva
Rea presents ancient and
unique Sun and Moon
Salutation variations. If
you’re ready to get a fresh
perspective and maybe
even meet a lifelong yoga
mentor, sign up for YJ’s
year-long membership
masterclass. Use code
20-percent discount.

Fifty years from now, the Ganga [the
Ganges River] will still be fl owing, and
pilgrims will still be offering Surya
Namaskars in prayer form and in
movement. But I think we’ll have a
much greater understanding of the
power of movement, breath, and medi-
tation in terms of regeneration and
healing. If we’re wise, we’ll be living in
a green revolution, with the end of reli-
ance on fossil fuels. Just like we’ll have
learned how to harness renewable
energy, we’ll have learned to harness
the power of yoga in a positive way.

Yoga will never be a fad. It is part of
our universal natural-healing system.
Through yoga, people are making long-
term positive changes and better
choices for their health, relationships,
and the environment. With prostra-
tions, we can listen to our hearts and
the earth through all the seasons of life
and be positive agents for change.


Better Mat. Better Practice. Save 20% with code YJ20FORU

Serious grip



ANNOUNCING a newly released
comprehensive Iyengar book on
Yoga for Scoliosis. For students with
major scoliosis, fused spines and
minor imbalances, and a guide for
teachers. Complete with anatomy of
scoliosis, more detailed instruction,
additional poses and photos
than the previous Yoga for Scoliosis
booklet. A guide to empower you to take
charge of your own back.

Yoga for Scoliosis DVD and booklet

The DVD provides a beginning home
practice with a booklet to supplement.

To purchase Elise’s products, for information on teacher training and workshops, go to • 650.493.1254
Free download pdf