Yoga Journal USA – June 2017

(Barré) #1


june 2017

Standing Forward Bend with Prana Flow Massage
Tadasana is the beginning point of a prostration, when the seed
of a prayer is awakened and then eventually delivered through
whole-body surrender. Now that you’ve sprouted that seed, start
to take it to the earth: Exhale and turn your hands downward, mas-
saging your sit bones and down the backs of your legs to your
heels as you bow your spine toward the earth. This is a practical
way of opening your spine and the backs of your legs, as well as a
way of being loving. Relax your neck with gravity.

MUDRA Mountain Pose with heart opener and victory mudra
In Tadasana, draw your hands together in front of your heart. Leave
a space between your hands and chest as a place to empty your outer
mind and begin to open your inner ears, listening within. Inhale, raise
your hands over your head; exhale and root into the earth through
your feet. For a backbending variation, draw your hands to your
sacrum, fingers pointing up. Climb into your heart as you lift your
sternum and ground down through your tailbone. Feel a rebound of
prana (life-giving energy) rise through your legs and spine like a wave.

Plank Pose to Four-Limbed Staff Pose
Inhale and stretch forward into Plank Pose, keeping your shoulders,
belly, thighs, and heels in alignment like a staff. Make sure your
shoulders are above your wrists. Find steadiness through the lift
of your core as you lengthen your body from crown to heels.
Draw into your core and give your strength to the earth. If you
want to move through Chaturanga, bend your arms to 90 degrees,
bringing the sides of your waist to meet your elbows. Feel your
shoulders draw onto your back and your heels radiate behind
you as you lower to the earth.

PRANAM Reverential Bowing
Now surrender your whole body to the earth—forehead, heart, and
belly. Quiet your outer mind and awaken your inner heart as you
offer your authentic prayer in words, in feeling, or simply by breath-
ing in your connectedness to the earth. Rest here for 1–3 breaths.
As you lay down your burdens and release tension, you’re able to
hear a different voice, an inner love and wisdom. In this quiet experi-
ence, literally embracing the earth, we can let go of our fragmented
thoughts and stirring emotions—and heed the intrinsic call to experi-
ence the sacredness reflected in the earth.

practice well

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