MaximumPC 2006 01

(Dariusz) #1

Install and

5 Configure

Once the disks are
partitioned, you’ve done
most of the hard work.
The Ubuntu installer
will install the grub boot
manager, automatically configure it to work
with any other OSes you have installed, and
restart your computer. When you restart,
you’ll need to choose your time zone, and
then you’ll create a user account. Enter
your full name, your desired username, and
a secure password.
This is a good time to talk about
Ubuntu’s lack of a traditional Unix-style
“root” administrator account. Instead of
having the all-powerful root, Ubuntu gives
the account you create during the install
permission to use “sudo,” which provides
your account with temporary root-like
privileges. If you’re following online instruc-
tions that require root privs, you can
run the commands on your Ubuntu

install by prefacing the command with
sudo. For example, if you need to edit your
fstab file, you’d type sudo nano /etc/
fstab instead of nano /etc/fstab.
Once you’ve created your account,
the installer will configure apt-get, the
package management application that
Ubuntu shares with Debian. Ubuntu devel-
opers maintain several huge repositories
of software that is preconfigured to run
perfectly on Ubuntu. If you need to install,
say, OpenOffice, apt-get will automatically
download it from the Internet, then install it
on your system, all you need to know is the
name of the appropriate package.

Make certain you remember the username and pass-
word you select. If you forget, it’s probably easier to
just reinstall Ubuntu than reset your password.

6 Final Stages

The installer will reboot again and
install the actual applications you’ll
use on your system—think Firefox
and OpenOffice. Your last task is to
select the resolutions your desktop
will run at. When choosing your
resolution, make absolutely cer-
tain you don’t select any options
your monitor can’t display. If you
goof, you won’t be able to boot
into the GUI, and you’ll have to
either manually tweak the text file
that configures your display or
reinstall from scratch. You probably don’t
want to do either.
You can select as many resolutions as

you wish, but Ubuntu will default to the high-
est resolution when you boot the first time.
Once you select your setting, the machine
will reboot again, and the install will be done!

It’s crucial you select resolutions your
monitor supports. If you choose incorrect
settings, you can damage your display or
render the GUI inoperable.

7 What’s Next?

You’ve installed Linux! Ubuntu comes
with a ton of useful applications, including
Firefox, OpenOffice, and Evolution—an
Outlook clone. Everything you need to use
your computer on the web, for email, or for
basic office tasks is available to you out of
the box.
There’s still a ton of software out in the
world that’s available for you to try out. If
you need more software, we recommend
using the handy Ubuntu Add Applications
program. It’s right there at the bottom of

the Applications menu.
If you have problems—and you will—
the first place you should turn is Google.
There’s a ton of great Linux help info on
the net, and Linux weenies are notoriously
unhelpful if they don’t think you’ve at least
made an effort to find answers for yourself.
If you can’t find the answers you need on
the net, try posting in the Alt-OS Abode of
the Maximum PC forums (http://maximumpc.
com/forums/). Now get out there and enjoy
your Ubuntu!







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