Yoga Journal USA — December 2017

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* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Y7: The Original
Hip-Hop Yoga Studio
Established in 2013, Y7 Studio is the
original hip-hop yoga studio that
offers sweat-dripping, beat-bumping,
candlelit yoga. Y7 classes combine
60 minutes of intensity with heat and
strength, and are complemented by
deep breathing and calming of the
mind, all while set to the latest beats.

Create balance with Peaceful Stone
Lights, a rare, semi-precious stone
light, forged from ancient earth.
These works of art, illuminated by
fire, harmonize your mind, body and
spirit; encouraging you to renew,
revitalize and reconnect with what’s
most important in your life. An
energy-nourishing gift for yourself,
friends, and family. Peaceful
Stone Lights is a heart-centered,
woman-owned business. Select
your stone, while supplies last.

Create Your
Own Sanctuary

Probiotic CD™

Probiotic CD™ with unique BIO-tract® protects
friendly probiotic cultures from harmful
stomach acid, continuously releasing them
hour after hour through your digestive
system... where you need them most!
One serving daily keeps your digestive
tract... on track!* Vegetarian. Non-GMO.

off the mat


Positive Energy
Yoga Wrap Bracelet

with Ohm Charm, Copper Bronze Crystal,
27 Inch long. The color brown is a down-to-
earth color signifying stability, structure and
support. It encourages a strong need for
security and a sense of belonging, with family
and friends being of utmost importance. Wear
it as a layered bracelet or as a stylish, chick,
long necklace.

Yoga Journal LIVE! New York - April 19-22

Something special happens when the best teachers in the world,
spiritual leaders, and our vibrant community of new and longtime
yogis bring their mats together. For more than 20 years, Yoga
Journal LIVE has inspired soul-shifting transformations. Join us
April 19-22, 2018, for an unforgettable weekend of yoga that will
advance your practice through a strong foundation of fundamentals,
alignment, and philosophy. Buy your pass at

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