Om Yoga Magazine — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

om living

calcium in our bodies, so even if your diet
is high in calcium, without enough Vitamin
D you cannot absorb the calcium into your
bones or cells. Phosphate and calcium
are needed for healthy bones, teeth and
muscles. You may have read in some places
that Vitamin D can help with depression and
our immune system, reducing the risk of the
common cold. Even though there are many
studies taking place in relation to these
topics, there is not yet sufficient evidence for
SACN to include this in its report. Watch this
space though: in the world of nutrition new
things are being discovered all the time.

Sources of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is naturally present in foods such
as oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel,
fresh tuna etc), red meat and egg yolks.
However, if you follow a plant-based diet
you can contribute to your Vitamin D
intake with foods such as sun-exposed
mushrooms and fortified foods which can
include margarine, tofu, plant-based dairy
alternatives and cereals. But don’t start bulk
buying the mushrooms just yet as there are
not significant amounts of Vitamin D in these
foods to ensure we get the recommended
intake. For example: you would need around
10 eggs to get the recommended 10ug and
if you are vegan, although mushrooms are
a Vitamin D source you should ensure that
they are grown under sun or UV light.

During the summer months in the UK
(April to September) a balanced diet with
moderate skin exposure to sunlight should
help most of us get enough Vitamin D.
However, in these winter months (October
to March) PHE have recommended that we
may want to consider taking a Vitamin D
supplement to help us reach 10ug. Don’t
panic, this does not mean that we are all at
risk of a Vitamin D deficiency but there are
certain groups who may be more susceptible
to having low vitamin D levels.

Find out more about nutrition with Sarah
Jackson at:

l Babies and young children
l Pregnant women and
breastfeeding mothers
l People over 65 years
l People with darker skin tones
l People who cover most of their skin or spend little time outside during the summer

A lot of vitamin D sources are animal-based foods or products and so it’s important to
note that Vitamin D supplements for vegans and vegetarians may be slightly different.
If you are vegan then opt for lichen-derived Vitamin D3 as these will be suitable, but it
is advised to always check the label. Vitamin D2 is also suitable for vegans but this may
be less biologically active than Vitamin D3 we make ourselves or from animal products.

n Avoid taking more than one supplement containing 10ug of Vitamin D per
day – not only is this unnecessary but it could cause some harm in the future. If
you are already taking multivitamins check if they already have vitamin D in before
n If you are not exposed to a lot of sunlight in summer months or you keep your skin
covered throughout the year then it may be worth considering taking a supplement all
year round.
n When exposing skin to sunlight please be careful, this does not mean you should
put your skin health at risk.
n Vitamin D and Vitamin D supplements absorb well with fat so try and take your
supplement at meal times.
n It is important to note that this is public health guidance and to remember that all
our beautiful bodies are unique.
n If you have specific questions or are concerned with your Vitamin D intake contact
your doctor, health visitor or a registered dietitian/nutritionist.

“Vitamin D is important
for protecting muscle
strength and can prevent
rickets in children and
osteomalacia in adults.”
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