Om Yoga Magazine — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

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evator scapulae’ might sound like a Harry Potter spell,
but actually it was just the physio talking me through
the muscles in my shoulders as he encountered a
particularly troublesome area. He’s been helping me sort
out various imbalances and weaknesses, and loosening
up some tight spots. It turns out that the left levator scapulae is one of
the tight culprits and – I found out the hard way – this tightness makes
it extremely sensitive to touch!
Happily, I don’t have an injury as such, but during yoga practice
I’d been increasingly noticing various niggles and not-quite-right
sensations. Some actions just felt a bit sticky, no matter what
modifications I made or how warmed up I was. I began to realise that
there’s only so much deep breathing and patient stretching you can
do – sometimes you need an expert helping hand with a different
perspective to your yoga teacher.
And even a trip to the physio can be a learning experience. As a
distraction from the painful manipulation, I asked him to tell me what
he observed as he poked around in my neck and shoulders. It was
interesting and agonising in pretty much equal measure. The nerdy side
of me found it fascinating to get a bit of an anatomy lesson on the side.
And I’ll admit it: when I got home, I got out my anatomy books and took

a look at levator scapulae and various other structures and muscles so
I could make better sense of what I felt both on the physio’s table and
on the yoga mat. I find it hard to combine formal anatomical study with
the experience of asana practice, so maybe with the physio’s help I can
increase my understanding one (painful) muscle at a time!
Through my yoga practice – and the therapeutic physio exercises I
now have – I realise that all this obsessing about my new friend levator
scapulae paradoxically makes me appreciate just how many other
muscles there are in my body which are working just fine and doing a
great job of extension, rotation, stabilisation or whatever. Who knew
that on the physio’s table there’d be a lesson in Santosha (contentment
or acceptance) alongside the physical therapy and the mini anatomy
lesson? In yoga I can easily get frustrated by what my body can’t do;
now levator scapulae is great at reminding me of all the things my body
can do. I’m grateful for that.
Plus, I now have a great excuse to beg massages at home. I’m
grateful for that too! My husband and levator scapulae are also
becoming quite familiar with one another.

Victoria Jackson lives and practices in Oxford. She is registered with
Yoga Alliance as a vinyasa yoga teacher

There’s more to yoga than asana. For Victoria Jackson,

that means trips to the physio and problems with her left levator scapulae, for starters




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