Om Yoga Magazine — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Universal prayers & affirmations

Using the power of Spirit to create

health, prosperity & happiness

Books by Paramahansa
Yogananda, father of
Yoga in the West

For information about the SRF London
Meditation Centre, please call (0207) 935 0204

Why did you start yoga
I wasn’t actually very interested in yoga before,
but at a loose end one day, and being quite into
all things physical, I joined my wife Julie at my first
ever ‘hot yoga’ class. It was the perfect ‘yin’ complement to my very ‘yang’ martial arts
practice, like a piece I didn’t even know was missing had slid into place. I was hooked.

Favourite yoga haunts
You’ll usually find me at my own ‘Warrior Yoga’ Studio in Cardiff (
— there’s a great feel to the place and I love the time I spend there. Yoga Center Peniche
is a very special little studio in Baleal, Portugal, right by one of my favourite beaches,
and I also love teaching at the new FlowMotion.Life studio in Matlock, a beautiful space
with a very welcoming and dedicated group of yogis and yoginis led by Wendy
‘Wild Yogi’ Snongjati.

How has yoga changed your life
Yoga really is the gift that keeps on giving. Now, five years down the line as an
established teacher with a small studio in Cardiff, yoga permeates every aspect of my
life. Physically, I’m stronger and more flexible than ever, my relationships with others
are enhanced and I enjoy a sense of ‘connection’ and peace of mind I never had before.
Professionally, yoga has opened many opportunities and I feel very blessed to be
sharing this work in classes, workshops, festivals and teacher trainings in the UK and
further afield.

Best yoga moment
Teaching at the Allroots Yoga Festival in West Wales stands out as among my best
yoga moments so far. It’s a gorgeous little festival at a beautiful location, and I love the
opportunity to share my practice with larger groups. The weather was a bit changeable
at this year’s Allroots but teaching in a lovely big marquee with the wind and rain kicking
off outside was very special.

Anything else
Early on in my very first class (we might have been in ‘Malasana’ at the time) I had the
profound realisation that wearing my little running shorts for this particular activity was
probably a mistake. I can’t be sure but I suspect there might have been a little more
on show than there should’ve been. Not my finest moment. So, based on personal
experience, my advice is: Please guys, don’t wear super-short running shorts to yoga.
Like ever.

Find Alan Elworthy at:




Alan Elworthy found yoga to
be the perfect complement to a
strong martial arts practice

NAME: Alan Elworthy

AGE: 46

OCCUPATION: Yoga Teacher/
First Aid Trainer




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