
(Nancy Kaufman) #1
om body om body
om body

Want to try yoga? Let’s K.I.S.S* says Meg Jackson


clearly remember the dread I felt
before my first yoga class. I was going
because I wanted arms like Madonna
(circa 1999; see ‘Beautiful Stranger’
video for reference; apparently she got
them by doing a trillion hours of Ashtanga a
day). But even the desire for beautiful biceps,
toned triceps, and deltoids so tight you
could bounce a pound coin off them, wasn’t
enough to get me skipping through those
church hall doors.
The weeks leading up to me finally going

were a whirlwind of paranoia, buying a lot of
Lycra and random bits of kit, annihilating my
eating patterns because I wanted to be thin
for my first class, and reading everything I
could about Ashtanga because you never
know when there might be a test and, y’know,
I didn’t want to stand out as the newbie.
Of course, those weeks also included
convincing myself I couldn’t go this week
and it would make much more sense to
start next week for such convoluted reasons
an EastEnders plot writer would’ve been

proud of me. Top hitters included impending
period; long day at work; eaten too much
lunch; not eaten enough lunch; a teeny tiny
little pain in my leg/arm/tooth/brain; I still
needed to buy more kit...I could go on.
Man. I made it all so flippin’ complicated!
I am very lucky that now, many years since
that first class (I’d like to say I started as a
child...but we all know that’s a lie) I get to
work with hundreds of yoga newbies every
year. Their stories are often all too familiar.
They start with “well I’ve been wanting to try

Keep it simple, silly

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