Watercolor Artist - USA (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1

58 Watercolor artist | DECEMBER 2019

Bright Ideas


n workshops, I often get asked this
question: What should I paint to get
into a national exhibition? It’s a
common question because, of course,
artists want recognition for their
creative eff orts. But let’s start with a
diff erent question: Is entering a com-
petition a good idea? Th e answer isn’t
Th ere’s no doubt that winning
awards can help grow your reputation
in the art world. Developing a name
on the national level can be especially

helpful if you have ambitions to be an
art instructor. It can also mean fi nan-
cial support if your work wins prize
money. As an artist friend of mine
once said: As artists, we have to wear
many hats to make a living.
It’s also rewarding to get recognition
from peers. If your work is considered
high quality by various art societies,
you may gain signature membership
and the chance to show your painting
alongside other nationally renowned
artists. All support feels good, but

there’s something especially gratifying
about a nod from established artists
and reputable art societies.

To ease in to the world of competi-
tions, it’s a good idea to start at the
local level. Try to get into art shows
in your area before attempting to
break into the national ones. If
you’re winning prizes in local or
even statewide competitions, there’s
a good chance that you’ll also get

In the Spotlight

FRANK EBER, who co-juried the 99th National Watercolor Society Annual Exhibition,
shares his best insights on how to bring attention to your work.

Anytown USA
(watercolor on paper, 14x17)
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