Watercolor Artist - USA (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1
ArtistsNetwork.com 65

naturally line up, causing the eye to
connect them. A row of cars, or tele-
phone poles, or a line of windows can
create this implied line right down the
street. A psychic line occurs when
there’s no physical line at all, but a
direction is clearly indicated. Th ere’s
a mental connection the viewer cre-
ates when the eye is led by a pointing
arrow or the gaze of a subject’s eyes.
You’ll look where someone is looking,
even though there’s no line there.
Placement also can refer to the
location in the composition at which
a focal point resides. Placing an object
dead-center always takes attention,

although this formal or symmetrical
arrangement might not be very inter-
esting. Placement with the use of a
frame or framing device is also a very
powerful compositional tool. A door-
way, window frame, sweep of a tree
branch or area under a bridge beauti-
fully frames a focal point.
A guideline for a strong focal point
location is the widely recognized “rule
of thirds.” If a composition is divided
into three equal horizontal parts and
three vertical parts (like a tic-tac-toe
grid), the intersections at which
these lines cross are visually pleasing
locations for focal points. Th e idea is

that these are inherently strong places
in a composition.

Th is technique became apparent with
the advent of photography. When
a foreground element remains sharply
in focus while the background goes
out of focus, the foreground element
becomes the focal point. Softening
the background can reduce distracting
elements and help isolate the subject.
Prior to photography, we also saw
this in the paintings of Johannes
Vermeer (Dutch, 1632–1675),

PARK-M23 & 10th Ave.
(watercolor on paper,
40x26) uses Emphasis by
Color to establish a focal
point. The immediate
focal point is the PARK
sign, not only because it’s
red, but also because the
eye is drawn to objects
that we can read (the bus
route sign less so). There’s
also a frame around PARK
that emphasizes the word.
I then used a triangle of
yellow for accents, as this
leads the eye down the
street and back to the
bus, then up to the traffi c
light, enabling the viewer
to explore the com-
position. The green “10 Av’
sign is yet another accent,
using the complementary
color of the PARK sign.
I chose not to add eyes to
the face in the bus ad;
otherwise, that’s all the
viewer would notice,
thanks to the psychic line.

Hill View Motel, 29 Palms
(watercolor on paper,
60x40) illustrates the
rule of thirds, focusing
the interest in the bottom-
left intersection. The red
MOTEL sign serves as an
Emphasis by Color and
Emphasis by Placement.
The implied lines of the
telephone poles create
a radial design that
also leads the eye to
the focal point.
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