Watercolor Artist - USA (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1
Aquarelle Studios And Galleries .................69
Artin the Mountains ................................... 68
Blick Art Materials ....................................... BC
Coachella Watercolor Society ...................70
Creative Art Workshops ..............................69
Crow Hill Gallery ..........................................70
Daven A Anderson ........................................ 7
Faber-Castell .............................................. IBC
Georgia Watercolor Society ........................ 71
Hudson River Valley .................................... 68
Huntsville Museum Of Art ............................ 71
John C. Campbell Folk School ..................... 71
Kanuga .........................................................69
Legion Paper .............................................. IFC
Marjorie Glick ................................................ 71
Peak Media Properties ........... 6, 59, 61, 67, 70
RedRiver Watercolor Society ...................... 71
Robert Burridge Studio .............................. 68
Tom Lynch .....................................................69
Tony Couch .................................................... 71
Transparent Watercolor Society ................. 71
Wiegardt Gallery .......................................... 71
YukiHall Fine Art ........................................... 71

STATEMENTgust12,1970:SectionOFOWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION3685, Title 39, United States Code). 1. Watercolor Artist 2. (ISSN: 1941-5451) 3. (required by Act of Au-
Filingannualdate:subscription10/1/19.4.Issue frequency: Bi-monthly. 5. Number of issues published annually: 6. 6. The price is $21.97. 7. Complete mailing address of known offi ce of publication:
PeakCompleteMediamailingProperties.,address of headquarters or general business offi ce of publisher: Peak Media 9912 Carver Road, Blue Ash, OH 45242. Contact person: Kolin Rankin 8.
Properties,dressesofpublisher, 9912 Carvereditor, and managing editor. Publisher, David Pyle, 4868 Innovation Drive, Road, Blue Ash, OH 45242. 9. Full names and complete mailing ad-
FortEditor,Collins,BethCOWilliams,80525,9912 Carver Road, Blue Ash, OH 45242. 10. Owner: Peak Media Properties; Editor, Anne Hevener, 9912 Carver Road, Blue Ash, OH 45242, Managing
Gregorymortgages,J. Osberg,andotherCEO, 4868 Innovation Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525. 11. Known bondholders, security holders owning or holding 1 percent of more of total amount of
bonds, 12 Months.mortgages13.Publisherorother securities: None. 12. Tax status: Has Not Changed During Preceding title: Watercolor Artist. 14. Issue date for circulation data below: AUGUST
2019.Average15.Thenumberextentofand nature of circulation: A. Total number of copies printed (Net press run). copies each issue during preceding 12 months: 48,332. Actual number of
copiesside-countyofsinglepaidissuesubscriptions. Average number of copies each issue during the preceding 12 published nearest to fi ling date: 51,828. B. Paid circulation. 1. Mailed out-
months:30,541.Actualnumber of copies of single issue published nearest to fi ling date: 30,482. 2.
Mailed 12 months:in-county0.Actualpaidnumber of copies of single issue published nearest to fi ling date:0. 3. Sales subscriptions. Average number of copies each issue during the preceding
throughissueduringdealerstheandpreceding 12 months: 5,361. Actual number of copies of single issue published carriers, street vendors and counter sales. Average number of copies each
nearestAveragetonumberfilingdate:ofcopies each issue during the preceding 12 months: 1,220. Actual number of 9,491. 4. Paid distribution through other classes mailed through the USPS.
copiesofsingleissuepublished nearest to fi ling date: 1,191. C. Total paid distribution. Average
numbersingleissueofcopiespublishedeach issue during preceding 12 months: 37,123. Actual number of copies of nearest to fi ling date; 41,164. D. Free or nominal rate distribution (by mail
andingtheoutsideprecedingmail).1. Free or nominal Outside-County. Average number of copies each issue dur- 12 months: 144. Number of copies of single issue published nearest to fi ling
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eachnearestissuetofilingduringdate:preceding 12 months: 688. Actual number of copies of single issue published 751. F. Total free distribution (sum of 15c and 15e). Average number of copies
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nearestduringprecedingtofilingdate: 12 months: 10,519. Actual number of copies of single issue published nearest 41,915. G. Copies not Distributed. Average number of copies each issue
toprecedingfilingdate: 12 9,913.months:H.Total (sum of 15f and 15g). Average number of copies each issue during 48,332. Actual number of copies of single issue published nearest to fi l-
ing:Actual51,828.percentI. Percentofcopies paid for the preceding 12 months: 98.2% 16. Electronic Copy Circulation: paid. Average percent of copies paid for the preceding 12 months: 98.2%
A.PaidElectronicCopies. Average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months:
1,191.PrintActualCopiesnumber(Line15c)of+ Paid Electronic Copies (Line 16a). Average number of copies each issue copies of single issue published nearest to fi ling date: 1,092. B. Total Paid
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ageofsinglenumberissueofpublished nearest to fi ling date: 43,007. D. Percent Paid (Both Print & Electronic copieseach issue during preceding 12 months: 39,003. Actual number of copies
Copies)(16bdividedby 16c x 100). Average number of copies each issue during preceding 12
months:certifythat98.2%.50%Actualofalldistributed copies (electronic and print) are paid above nominal price: Yes. number of copies of single issue published nearest to fi ling date: 98.3%. I
ReportprintedcirculationintheDecember 2019 issue of the publication. 18. Signature and title of editor, publisher, onPS Form 3526-X worksheet 17. Publication of statement of ownership will be
businessonthisformmanager,is trueandorowner: David Pyle, Group Publisher. I certify that all information furnished complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading
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70 Watercolor artist | DECEMBER 2019

CoachellaCoachella Valley Watercolor SocietyValleyWatercolorSociety
Palm Springs/Palm Desert Area:
3-4 Day Workshops
David Lobenberg November 12-14, 2019
Shuang Li January 14-17, 2020
Stella Canfield March 10-13, 2020
Contact: Kathleen Scoggin
[email protected]
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