Yoga Journal Singapore — December 15, 2017

(Grace) #1


december 2017 / january 2018


practice well

How to move from



to Mayurasana

By David Swenson

Shalabha = locust. Asana = Pose

Locust Pose

BENEFITS Strengthens lower back muscles;
tones abdominal muscles while stimulating
organs; improves posture
1 Lie on your belly with your legs straight.
Place your arms at your sides with palms up,
your chin gently resting on the floor.
2 Without lifting your legs or head, begin
reaching forward through the top of your
head and back through your toes. As your
body lengthens, you’ll activate your major
back muscles, including your erector spinae
muscles—creating a stable base of support.
3 Continue reaching forward with the top
of your head and backward with your toes,
slowly lifting your head, shoulders, and legs
off the ground. Pull your legs together. As
you gain height, you should feel elongation
and elevation—this will help strengthen your
back while keeping it safe and stable.

Lift until you begin to feel a natural
resistance—you should feel activated from
head to toe and without strain. Your breath
should be flowing easily. Now imagine that
you’re drawing a line up the wall in front of
you with the top of your head and one behind
you with your toes—all while maintaining an
elongation of your entire body.
4 Keep the backs of your hands rooted to the
earth with a gentle, downward pushing action
as you extend your arms. Imagine that your
fingers are growing in length, reaching and
sliding along the floor toward the back of the
mat while being pulled down to the earth.
Hold for about 5 breaths (you can increase this
amount over time).
5 To exit the pose, maintain elongation as you
simultaneously lower your head, shoulders,
and legs to the floor.

DON’T raise your shoulders
toward your ears, which can
strain neck muscles.

DON’T bend your knees,
which will compromise
the action of your legs and
add pressure to your lower
back by distributing too
much weight to your lower

OUR PRO teacher and model David Swenson began teaching yoga in 1972 and today is recognized as one of the world’s foremost
instructors of Ashtanga Yoga. He is one of a handful of people worldwide who has learned the entire Ashtanga system as originally
taught by K. Pattabhi Jois. Swenson has produced eight Ashtanga Yoga DVDs and is the author of Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice
Manual, which has been translated into 14 languages. PHOTOS: CAVEMAN COLLECTIVE; MODEL: DAVID SWENSON; CLOTHING: MODEL’S OWN
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